Preparation Manual

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Section 5: Sample Transcription Questions
Braille (283)

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The purpose of this section is to describe the types of transcription questions that you will see on the Braille exam and show the exam directions, sample questions, and the score scales that will be used to score your responses.

Domain II—Producing Unified English Braille (UEB) and Nemeth Code

Producing UEB with a Slate and Stylus

Competency 001—The teacher of students with visual impairments, including those with additional disabilities, knows how to produce UEB using a slate and stylus.

For this section of the exam, you will be asked to use a slate and stylus to transcribe a set of three brief selections into UEB.

The selections are representative of the types of information that a slate and stylus are commonly used to record. Each set of selections includes a name, address, phone number and e-mail address; a shopping list; and a brief note to a student.


This question involves transcribing three selections into UEB. Your transcription must be made using a traditional (not direct) 4-line, 27- or 28-cell slate and stylus that can accommodate the 8½-by-11-inch braille paper provided by the exam administrator. You should transcribe each selection exactly as written starting at the left margin. Skip one line between selections. All three selections must be transcribed onto one sheet of braille paper.

The three selections include:

  1. A name, address, phone number, and e-mail address
  2. A shopping list
  3. A note to a student from a teacher

Errors that will be counted as incorrect in your transcription include

  1. Contractions, indicators, or shortforms omitted or misused
  2. Characters misformed (including added or omitted dots)
  3. Characters omitted or extra ones inserted (including hyphenation of words not hyphenated in the text)
  4. Words omitted or repeated
  5. Indicators or punctuation marks omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  6. Spacing errors (including improper spacing between words, lines, or selections)
  7. Formatting errors (including improper line breaks or margins)
  8. Erasures detectable by touch

If you need additional braille paper, raise your hand and notify the exam administrator. When you have completed your final version of the transcription, check the appropriate box at the bottom of the page containing your final version. Your score for this question will be based solely on the version of your transcription that you designate as the final version.

Sample Question

1. Use a slate and stylus to transcribe the following selections into Unified English Braille (UEB). Transcribe the selections exactly as written. Skip one line between selections. Transcribe all selections onto the same sheet of paper.

J. W. Smith
8590 Main Avenue North
Austin, Texas 78743
(214) 555-8983

chocolate milk
coffee beans
ground beef

Excellent work!
Your answer was concise.

Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
U E B transriptions of the selections. 
Selection 1 reads
J. W. Smith
8590 Main Avenue North
Austin, Texas 78743
(214) 555-8983
Selection 2 reads
chocolate milk
coffee beans
ground beef
Selection 3 reads
Excellent work!
Your answer was concise.

Producing UEB with a Braillewriter

Competency 002—The teacher of students with visual impairments, including those with additional disabilities, knows how to produce UEB and Nemeth Code using a braillewriter.

For this section of the exam, you will be presented with a short (80–100 word) passage to transcribe into contracted braille using a manual (nonelectric) braillewriter.

The passage will be representative of the type of instructional material that a teacher of the visually impaired may be called upon to transcribe into braille for a student who has a visual impairment. The passage might contain an analysis of a poem, a description of a scientific process, an assignment related to an English or history unit, directions for a class project, or similar instructional materials.


This question involves transcribing a passage into UEB. Your transcription must be made using a manual (nonelectric) braillewriter that can accommodate the 11½ -by-11-inch braille paper provided by the exam administrator. Use a 40-cell line and make maximum use of each line. Do not hyphenate words unless they are hyphenated in the text. The final version of your transcription must fit on one sheet of braille paper.

Errors that will be counted as incorrect in your transcription include:

  1. Contractions, indicators, or shortforms omitted or misused
  2. Characters misformed (including added or omitted dots)
  3. Characters omitted or extra ones inserted (including hyphenation of words not hyphenated in the text)
  4. Words omitted or repeated
  5. Indicators or punctuation marks omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  6. Spacing errors (including improper spacing between words or lines)
  7. Formatting errors (including improper line breaks and margins)
  8. Erasures detectable by touch

If you need additional braille paper, notify your exam administrator. When you have completed your final version of the transcription, check the appropriate box at the bottom of the sheet containing your final version. Your score for this question will be based solely on the version of your transcription that you designate as the final version.

Sample Question

2. Use a braillewriter to transcribe the following passage into UEB. Use a 40-cell line and make maximum use of each line. Do not hyphenate words unless they are hyphenated in the text. The final version of your completed transcription must fit on a single sheet of braille paper.

Growing Orchids

An interesting hobby that several friends and I have undertaken at home is growing orchids. Orchids are beautiful and, although they appear to be very delicate, they are in fact quite hardy. My favorite and the easiest to grow is Phalaenopsis. They come in a variety of colors and will bloom for months and months at a time! The Phalaenopsis is a low-light orchid, making it a good choice for anyone who does not have a window with direct sunlight. To learn more about growing orchids at home visit the Orchid Growers’ Association web site at

Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
The U E B transcription reads Growing orchids an interesting hobby that several friends and I have undertaken at home is growing orchids. Orchids are beautiful and, although they appear to be very delicate, they are in fact quite hardy. My favorite and the easiest to grow is Phalaenopsis. They come in a variety of colors and will bloom for months and months at a time! The Phalaenopsis is a low-light orchid, making it a good choice for anyone who does not have a window with direct sunlight. To learn more about growing orchids at home visit the Orchid Growers’ Association web site at

Producing Nemeth Code with a Braillewriter

Competency 002—The teacher of students with visual impairments, including those with additional disabilities, knows how to produce UEB and Nemeth Code using a braillewriter.

For this transcription assignment, you will be presented with a math worksheet to transcribe into Nemeth Code using a manual (nonelectric) braillewriter.

The worksheet will contain problems and statements that are representative of the type of material that a TVI may be called upon to transcribe into Nemeth Code for a student who has a visual impairment. Note that you are asked only to transcribe the worksheet, not to solve any of the problems.


This question involves transcribing a set of mathematical problems and statements into Nemeth Code. Your transcription must be made using a manual (nonelectric) braillewriter that can accommodate the 11½-by-11-inch braille paper provided by your exam administrator. Include all punctuation marks. Skip one line between problems. The final version of your completed transcription must fit on a single sheet of braille paper.

Remember: You are NOT to transcribe this set of mathematical problems and statements into Unified English Braille (UEB); you MUST transcribe them into Nemeth Code. All problem numbers must be brailled in Nemeth Code as well. Do not include any switch indicators in your transcription.

Errors that will be counted as incorrect in your transcription include:

  1. Characters, numerals, or symbols misformed (including added or omitted dots)
  2. Characters, numerals, or symbols omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  3. Characters, numerals, or symbols in the number of the problem omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  4. Indicators, punctuation marks, composition signs, or the general omission symbol omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  5. Spacing errors
  6. Formatting errors
  7. Erasures detectable by touch

If you need additional braille paper, notify your exam administrator. When you have completed your final version of the transcription, check the appropriate box at the bottom of the page containing your final version. Your score for this question will be based solely on the version of your transcription that you designate as the final version.

Sample Question

3. Transcribe the following mathematical problems and statements using Nemeth Code. Include all punctuation marks. Skip one line between problems. DO NOT SOLVE ANY OF THE PROBLEMS.

  1. minus 4¢ = 3¢
  2. 3/16/2017
  3. 54 minus 36 = 18
  4. three fifths ÷ four sevenths
  5. 8:25 pm
  6. 6 open paren 9 plus 2 close paren equals 6 times 9 plus 6 times 2.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
The Nemeth code transcription of problems read as follows
			problem 1 seven cents minus four cents equals three cents
			problem 2 three slash sixteen slash two thousand seventeen 
			problem 3 54 minus 36 equals 18
			problem 4 three fifths divided by four sevenths
			problem 5 eight colon twenty five p m
			problem 6 6 open paren 9 plus 2 close paren equals 6 times 9 plus 6 times 2

Producing Nemeth Code with a Braillewriter and Reference Guide

Competency 002—The teacher of students with visual impairments, including those with additional disabilities, knows how to produce UEB and Nemeth Code using a braillewriter.

For this transcription assignment, you will be presented with an additional math worksheet to transcribe into Nemeth Code using a manual (nonelectric) braillewriter. This one will call upon material in the Nemeth Code section of the Reference Guide.

Like the previous Nemeth Code transcription assignment, the worksheet for this question will contain problems and statements that are representative of the type of material that a TVI may be called upon to transcribe into Nemeth Code for a student who has a visual impairment. Algebra and geometry problems may be included in this question. Note that you are asked only to transcribe the worksheet, not to solve any of the problems.


This question involves referring to a Reference Guide in order to transcribe a set of mathematical problems and statements into Nemeth Code. Access the Reference Guide by clicking on the reference material icon that appears in the lower left corner of the screen.

Your transcription must be made using a manual (nonelectric) braillewriter that can accommodate the 11½-by-11-inch braille paper provided by the exam administrator. Some of the symbols needed for this assignment can be found in the Reference Guide. Include all punctuation marks. Skip one line between problems. The final version of your completed transcription must fit on one sheet of braille paper.

Remember: You are NOT to transcribe this set of mathematical problems and statements into Unified English Braille (UEB); you MUST transcribe them into Nemeth Code. All problem numbers must be brailled in Nemeth Code as well. Do not include any switch indicators in your transcription.

Errors that will be counted as incorrect in your transcription include:

  1. Characters, numerals, or symbols misformed (including added or omitted dots)
  2. Characters, numerals, or symbols omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  3. Characters, numerals, or symbols in the number of the problem omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  4. Indicators, punctuation marks, composition signs, or the general omission symbol omitted or misused or extra ones inserted
  5. Spacing errors
  6. Formatting errors
  7. Erasures detectable by touch

If you need additional braille paper, notify your exam administrator. When you have completed your final version of the transcription, check the appropriate box at the bottom of the sheet containing your final version. Your score for this assignment will be based solely on the version of your transcription that you designate as the final version.

Sample Question

4. Use a braillewriter to transcribe the following mathematical problems and statements into Nemeth Code. Some of the symbols needed for this assignment can be found in the Reference Guide. Transcribe the problems and statements exactly as written. Skip one line between problems. Transcribe all expressions onto the same sheet of braille paper. DO NOT SOLVE ANY OF THE PROBLEMS.

  1. 30.5 degrees is less than 31 degrees
  2. 4 open paren y minus question mark close paren equals 4 y minus 8
  3. triangle A B C is congruent to triangle D E F
  4. 2 and one-thirds times 9 and five-eights is greater than 22
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
The Newmeth code transcription of the expressions read as follows
			expression 1 30.5 degrees is less than 31 degrees
			expression 2 4 open paren y minus question mark close paren equals 4 y minus 8
			expression 3 triangle A B C is less than or equal to triangle D E FILE
			expression 4 two and one third times 9 and five eighths is greater than 22

Reference Guide for Selected Braille Symbols

The following reference guide will be provided for all transcription assignments.

Part 1: UEB

Description Symbol Example
Print UEB Print UEB
Ampersand & U E B symbol for ampersand A & B U E B transcription of A ampersand B
Asterisk * U E B symbol for asterisk Text* U E B transcription of Text asterisk
Bullet U E B symbol for Bullet • Task A
• Task B
U E B transcription of bullet Task A new line bullet Task B
Degree sign ° U E B symbol for Degree sign 45 degrees U E B transcription of 45 degrees
Equals = U E B symbol for Equals 1 + 1 = 2 U E B transcription of 1 plus 1 equals 2
underscore U E B symbol for underscore We saw underscore and underscore. U E B transcription of we saw underscore and underscore.

Part 2: Nemeth Code

Description Symbol Example
Print Nemeth Code Print Nemeth Code
Degree sign ° Nemeth Code symbol for degree sign 45° Nemeth Code transcription of 45 degrees
Multiplication dot Nemeth Code symbol for multiplication dot 4 ⋅ 5 Nemeth Code transcription of 4 multiplication dot 5
Less than < Nemeth Code symbol for less than 4 < 5 Nemeth Code transcription of 4 is less than 5
Greater than > Nemeth Code symbol for greater than 5 > 4 Nemeth Code transcription of 5 is greater than 4
Mixed number indicators N/A Nemeth Code symbol for Mixed number indicators 3 and 4 fifths Nemeth Code transcription of mixed fraction 3 and 4 fifths
Triangle Nemeth Code symbol for triangle RST Nemeth Code transcription of triangle RST
Square square Nemeth Code symbol for square squareRSTU Nemeth Code transcription of square RSTU
Angle Nemeth Code symbol for angle RST Nemeth Code transcription of angle RST
Parallel Nemeth Code symbol for parallel ABCD Nemeth Code transcription of line A B is parallel to line C D
Perpendicular Nemeth Code symbol for perpendicular ABCD Nemeth Code transcription of A B is perpendicular to C D
Congruent Nemeth Code symbol for congruent A ≅ ∠B Nemeth Code transcription of angle A is congruent to angle B
Sign of omission
(used to represent a question mark or a space)
N/A Nemeth Code symbol for sign of omission 5 − ? = 3
5 −   = 3
Nemeth Code transcription of 5 minus question mark = 3 or 5 minus space equals 3
Algebraic expressions and equations
(5 examples)
N/A blank 2x − 5y = 16 Nemeth Code transcription of 2x minus 5y equals 16
(3x − 2)(4x + 5) Nemeth Code transcription of open paren 3x minus 2 closed paren open paren 4x plus 5 closed paren
7(x − 4) = 7x − 28 Nemeth Code transcription of 7 open paren x minus 4 closed paren equals 7x minus 28
4x + 3 = 9 Nemeth Code transcription of 4x plus 3 equals 9
5y − 2y = ? Nemeth Code transcription of 5y minus 2y equals question mark

Score Scales

Your response to each of the transcription assignments will be scored based on the number of transcription errors you make.

The score scale shown below will be used to score the Producing UEB with a Slate and Stylus assignment and the Producing Nemeth Code with a Braillewriter assignment.

Score point Score Point Description
4 3 or fewer errors
3 4–7 errors
2 8–11 errors
1 12 or more errors
0 Blank or unscorable

The score scale shown below will be used to score the Producing UEB with a Braillewriter assignment and the Producing Nemeth Code with a Braillewriter and Reference Guide assignment.

Score point Score Point Description
4 2 or fewer errors
3 3–5 errors
2 6–8 errors
1 9 or more errors
0 Blank or unscorable

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