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Section 5: Sample Selected-Response Questions
TX PACT: LOTE Spanish: Early Childhood–Grade 12 (713)

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This section presents some sample exam questions for you to review as part of your preparation for the exam. To demonstrate how each competency may be assessed, sample questions are accompanied by the competency that they measure. While studying, you may wish to read the competency before and after you consider each sample question. Please note that the competency statements do not appear on the actual exam.

The correct answer is provided for each sample exam question. The sample questions are included to illustrate the formats and types of questions you will see on the exam; however, your performance on the sample questions should not be viewed as a predictor of your performance on the actual exam.

Domain I—Interpretive Listening

Competency 001—Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of formal and informal oral messages in Spanish from across the Spanish-speaking world.

The dialogue shown below represents the recorded text you would hear on the actual exam. It is shown here for study purposes only; on the actual exam you will not see printed scripts accompanying the recordings.

Escuche el siguiente diálogo con atención. Luego conteste las preguntas a continuación. Escuchará el diálogo dos veces.

(one male and one female speaker; female speaker's tone is worried and male speaker's tone is apologetic.)

Female: Javier, el paquete que dejé en la mesa esta mañana es un regalo para el cumpleaños de mamá la próxima semana. Te dije que lo mandaras hoy porque era la última oportunidad de que ella lo recibiera a tiempo.

Male: ¡Ay Marta! Se me olvidó llevarlo esta mañana y el correo cierra en media hora. ¿Qué quieres que haga?

Ahora escuchará el diálogo otra vez.

(Repeat dialogue)

Ahora conteste las preguntas.

(PAUSE 40 seconds)

1. ¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones es la respuesta más apropiada al comentario de Javier?

  1. La próxima vez que veas a mamá puedes explicarle lo que pasó.
  2. ¡Llamemos a mamá ahora mismo! Una llamada es mejor que un regalo.
  3. Puedes comprar otro regalo y mandárselo mañana.
  4. ¡Apurémonos! Te llevo al correo para mandar el paquete ahora mismo.
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Option D is correct. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of formal and informal oral messages in Spanish. According to Javier, the post office will close in one-half hour and he and Marta need to mail a package in time for their mother's birthday, next week. When Javier asks Marta, "¿Qué quieres que haga?", a logical response from her would be: "¡Apurémonos! Te llevo al correo para mandar el paquete ahora mismo".

Competency 002—Demonstrate inferential and analytical comprehension of a variety of formal and informal oral messages in Spanish from across the Spanish-speaking world.

The dialogue shown below represents the recorded text you would hear on the actual exam. It is shown here for study purposes only; on the actual exam you will not see printed scripts accompanying the recordings.

Escuche el siguiente diálogo con atención. Luego conteste las preguntas a continuación. Escuchará el diálogo dos veces.

(one male and one female speaker; female speaker's tone is worried and male speaker's tone is apologetic.)

Female: Javier, el paquete que dejé en la mesa esta mañana es un regalo para el cumpleaños de mamá la próxima semana. Te dije que lo mandaras hoy porque era la última oportunidad de que ella lo recibiera a tiempo.

Male: ¡Ay Marta! Se me olvidó llevarlo esta mañana y el correo cierra en media hora. ¿Qué quieres que haga?

Ahora escuchará el diálogo otra vez.

(Repeat dialogue)

Ahora conteste las preguntas.

(PAUSE 40 seconds)

2. ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones describe mejor el tono de Marta en esta conversación?

  1. preocupada
  2. suplicante
  3. enfurecida
  4. tranquila
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Option A is correct. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate inferential and analytical comprehension of a variety of formal and informal oral messages in Spanish. Marta reminds Javier about the birthday package that he should have mailed to their mother. Javier admits that he forgot to send it. Since the package has not yet been mailed, Marta is worried that their mother might not receive the package in time for her birthday.

Domain II—Interpretive Reading

Competency 003—Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of authentic materials written in Spanish from across the Spanish-speaking world.

Lea el siguiente texto; luego conteste las preguntas a continuación.

Estimada Dra. Ramos:

Le escribo para pedirle su consejo como profesional, mentora y amiga.

Como usted sabe, estoy cursando el segundo año de enfermería. Hasta ahora, he hecho todo lo necesario. Pero entre el trabajo y los estudios no me queda tiempo para reflexionar sobre mi futuro profesional. ¿Es ésta, realmente, la mejor carrera para mí? Sé que quiero ser enfermero, pero no sé si tengo la capacidad necesaria para cumplir con las exigencias de esta especialidad.

Su consejo y experiencia me serían muy útiles.



3. ¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones resume mejor el texto?

  1. La profesión médica es un trabajo con buenas perspectivas.
  2. El estudiante se queja de los planes profesionales en el campo de la medicina.
  3. El estudiante está preocupado por forjarse un futuro en el campo de la medicina.
  4. La familia está indecisa sobre los planes profesionales del estudiante.
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Option C is correct. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of authentic materials written in Spanish. Roberto writes to his friend and mentor, Dr. Ramos, to update her about his pursuit of nursing credentials and to request her advice. Roberto knows that he wants to become a nurse; however, he is worried that this career choice might not be the best for him. Roberto does not know if he has the stamina to complete this course of study and become a nurse due to the demands of this profession.

Competency 004—Demonstrate inferential and analytical comprehension of a variety of authentic materials written in Spanish from across the Spanish-speaking world.

Lea el siguiente texto; luego conteste las preguntas a continuación.

Estimada Dra. Ramos:

Le escribo para pedirle su consejo como profesional, mentora y amiga.

Como usted sabe, estoy cursando el segundo año de enfermería. Hasta ahora, he hecho todo lo necesario. Pero entre el trabajo y los estudios no me queda tiempo para reflexionar sobre mi futuro profesional. ¿Es ésta, realmente, la mejor carrera para mí? Sé que quiero ser enfermero, pero no sé si tengo la capacidad necesaria para cumplir con las exigencias de esta especialidad.

Su consejo y experiencia me serían muy útiles.



4. Se puede deducir que la persona ha escrito esta carta porque:

  1. necesita un plazo determinado para cumplir con los requisitos necesarios para hacerse enfermero.
  2. debe escoger otra especialidad antes de continuar en medicina.
  3. prefiere comunicarse frecuentemente con su mentora para discutir su futuro.
  4. tiene muchas demandas estudiantiles que le quitan tiempo para considerar su futuro en medicina.
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Option D is correct. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate inferential and analytical comprehension of a variety of authentic materials written in Spanish. Roberto has updated Dr. Ramos about his nursing studies in this letter. At the same time, Roberto has informed her that he lacks adequate time to reflect on his career choice in the field of medicine given his work and study schedules.

Domain III—Language Structures

Competency 005—Understand the language structures of Spanish.

5. ¿Cuál de los siguientes sufijos se añade para formar un adverbio en español?

  1. –able
  2. –mente
  3. –ismo
  4. –ona
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Option B is correct. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate an understanding of the language structures of Spanish. Many Spanish adverbs are formed using the suffix –mente, added to a common form of an adjective, e.g., hábilmente. If the adjective has different masculine and feminine forms, –mente is added to the feminine form, e.g., silenciosamente.

Competency 006—Apply knowledge of the language structures of Spanish.

6. ¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones es correcta?

  1. Saldremos tan pronto como termine su trabajo.
  2. Saldríamos tan pronto como termina su trabajo.
  3. Salgamos tan pronto como terminará su trabajo.
  4. Salimos tan pronto como terminará su trabajo.
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Option A is correct. This question requires the examinee to apply knowledge of the language structures of Spanish. The sentence has two conjugated verbs in two separate clauses, one main and one subordinate, and follows Spanish sequence of tense grammar conventions. When a main clause verb is in the future tense, a subordinate clause, linked by a conjunction that conveys uncertainty, is in the present subjunctive. The first verb, salir (future tense, main clause), is followed by tan pronto como. This conjunction creates a setting for the second action to be carried out in the future, using the verb terminar. However, the action of the second verb may or may not occur, given the uncertainty introduced by tan pronto como.

Domain IV—Cultural Understanding

Competency 007—Understand the geography and major developments in the history of the Spanish-speaking world and their cultural impact.

7. In which of the following ways did Isabella the first and Ferdinand the second most influence the development of Spain during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries?

  1. They formed a coalition with France and England that expanded Spanish political power.
  2. They unified Spain's kingdoms under the authority of a central monarchy.
  3. They instituted economic policies that made Spain the wealthiest nation in the world.
  4. They promoted the artistic and literary developments of Spain's Golden Age.
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Option B is correct. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate an understanding of major developments in the history of Spanish-speaking cultures and the cultural significance of these developments. As joint sovereigns, Ferdinand the second and Isabella the first united the once diverse Spanish kingdoms into one nation, under the authority of a central monarchy. This union, along with bringing the nation together under one religion and one common spoken and written language, established Spain as a major European power in the Western Hemisphere during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

Competency 008—Understand the practices, products, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures and how they relate to one another.

8. The early murals of Mexican painter Diego Rivera can best be seen as part of an effort to:

  1. create a popular art that blended secular and religious themes.
  2. promote appreciation of recent innovations in European art.
  3. create a national art based on revolutionary themes.
  4. promote appreciation of the beauty of the Mexican landscape.
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Option C is correct. This question requires the examinee to demonstrate an understanding of the practices, products, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures. Diego Rivera sought to create a new national art based on revolutionary themes that would decorate public buildings in the wake of the Mexican Revolution. Many of these themes are apparent in his works on major buildings such as the Ministry of Public Education building in Mexico City, the Cortés Palace in Cuernavaca, and the National Palace in Mexico City. Rivera's huge murals depict Mexican history, agriculture, industry, and culture as narration within the context of national art.

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