Coleman, Janet R. and Wolf, Elizabeth W. (2009). Advanced Sign Language Vocabulary, Second Edition. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Ltd.
Costello, Elaine. (2003). Random House Webster's American Sign Language Legal Dictionary. New York, N.Y.: Random House Reference.
Eastman, Gilbert, Noretsky, Martin, and Censpolano, Sharon. (1989). From Mime to Sign. Silver Spring, Md.: T.J. Publishers, Inc.
Humphries, T., Padden, C., and O'Rourke, T. J. (1994). A Basic Course in American Sign Language, Second Edition. Silver Spring, Md.: T.J. Publishers, Inc.
Lentz, Ella Mae, Smith, Cheri, and Mikos, Ken. (2008). Signing Naturally, Functional Notional Approach, Student Workbook, Level 1. San Diego, Calif.: DawnSignPress.
Lentz, Ella Mae, Smith, Cheri, and Mikos, Ken. (1993). Signing Naturally, Functional Notional Approach, Teacher's Curriculum Guide, Level 1. San Diego, Calif.: DawnSignPress.
Lentz, Ella Mae, Smith, Cheri, and Mikos, Ken. (2008). Signing Naturally, Functional Notional Approach, Teacher's Curriculum Guide, Level 2. San Diego, Calif.: DawnSignPress.
Lentz, Ella Mae, Smith, Cheri, and Mikos, Ken. (2008). Signing Naturally, Functional Notional Approach, Student Workbook, Level 11. San Diego, Calif.: DawnSignPress.
Lentz, Ella Mae, Smith, Cheri, and Mikos, Ken. (2008). Signing Naturally, Functional Notional Approach, Student Workbook, Level 111. San Diego, Calif.: DawnSignPress.
Lentz, Ella Mae, Smith, Cheri, and Mikos, Ken. (2001). Signing Naturally, Functional Notional Approach, Teacher's Curriculum Guide, Level 3. San Diego, Calif.: DawnSignPress.
Ogden, P. W. (1996). The Silent Garden: Raising Your Deaf Child. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
Padden, C. A., and Humphries, T. L. (2005). Inside Deaf Culture. Boston, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Sternberg, Martin. (1998). The American Sign Language Dictionary, Revised Third Edition. New York, N.Y.: Harper Collins Publishers.
Valli, Clayton, Lucas, Ceil, Mulrooney, Kristin, and Villanueva, Miako. (2011). Linguistics of American Sign Language. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
Zinza, Jason. E. (2007) Master American Sign Language. Burtonville, Md.: Sign Media Inc.
Online Resources
American Sign Language University 
Basic Dictionary of ASL Terms 
Gallaudet Office of Research 
Handspeak: Sign Language Resource 
Michigan State University's ASL Browser 
National Association of the Deaf 
National Theatre of the Deaf 
Signing Online American Sign Language Instruction 
Texas School for the Deaf 
Texas Education Agency 
Manual Alphabet Websites
Dr. Bill Vicar's American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling Practice Site 
Funbrain_Sign the Alphabet 
Fingerspelling & Numbers: Introduction 
American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling Tool 
Signing Savvy's Word List: Fingerspelling / Alphabet