Understanding Your Exam Results
This page explains the reporting and interpretation of scores on the various exams required for Texas educator certification.
Applying for Texas Educator Certification
Once you pass the required exams and meet all requirements for a Standard Certificate, YOU MUST APPLY ONLINE and pay the appropriate fee. Please refer to the TEA website .
Score Scales
Total exam performance scores for all exams in the AAFCS, PACT, and TExES series are reported on a scale of 100 to 300, with a score of 240 established as the minimum passing score. The score scales and passing scores for the TASC and TASC–ASL exams are noted in the Holistic Scores section on this page.
How Scores are Reported
Your score report is available to you via your testing account on this website. It is recommended that you save or print a copy of your score report for your records.
Score reports may show as many as four types of information: (1) Total Test Performance, (2) Performance by Domain, (3) Performance by Competency, and (4) Holistic Scores. Numbers 2, 3, and 4 are not applicable to every exam.
Your exam results are automatically added to your certification file and made available to TEA, SBEC, and, if applicable, your educator preparation program (EPP).
Scoring and Score Reporting for the TExES Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish and TExES Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Exams
Each of these exams contains both selected-response (multiple-choice) and constructed-response sections/domains. Those domains that are assessed through constructed-response questions are described in detail below. All other domains are assessed through selected-response questions. For these domains, the number of Points Possible equals the number of scored selected-response questions and the number of Points Earned equals the number of those questions that were answered correctly.
How the Exams Are Scored
A Word of Caution
Statistical adjustments for differences in difficulty make it possible to give the same interpretation to identical scores on different versions of the same exam. For example, a score of 250 on the TExES History 7–12 exam reflects approximately the same level of knowledge, regardless of which version of that exam was administered.
Similar scores on different exams, however, do not necessarily have the same meaning. A score of 250 on the TExES History 7–12 exam, for example, does not reflect the same level of knowledge as a score of 250 on the TExES Mathematics 7–12 exam.
Sample Score Reports
Select a sample score report to see the type(s) of performance information provided for that particular exam.
- TExES Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) – (Passed Status)
- TExES Braille (UEB) (283) – (Passed Status)
- TExES Core Subjects 4–8 (211) – (Not Passed Status)
- TExES English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (331) – (Not Passed Status)
- TExES English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (331) – (Passed Status)
- TExES Languages Other Than English (LOTE) French (610) – (Not Passed Status)
- TExES Principal as Instructional Leader (268) – (Passed Status)
- TX PACT: American Sign Language (ASL): EC–12 Subtest I (784) – (Passed Status)
- TX PACT: Essential Academic Skills (700) – (Passed Status)
Understanding Your edTPA Score Profile
Your edTPA Score Profile is provided to you with information about how to read the profile. You may also review the sample annotated edTPA Score Profile provided here. Refer to the edTPA Submission Requirements and Condition Codes, which describe the technical quality and other issues related to uploaded files and artifacts to help you understand what is required in creating and submitting an assessment that can be scored.
For edTPA, successful completion is defined as a scorable portfolio, which includes receiving no more than one condition code per task.
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